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Low–stress Handling
Work with April Kormanec, RVT, KPA–CTP
April focuses on providing low-stress veterinary visits for pets and hospitals by educating staff on behavior, and body language and teaching proper handling skills while providing compassionate medical care. She received “Sophia Yin’s” Low-Stress Handling Certification in 2015 and was honored to receive a scholarship from the Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians to attend the Karen Pryor Academy which she completed in 2020.
April has earned many hours of continuing education specifically in animal behavior management and modification and is currently working towards a Veterinary Specialist in Behavior. She would like to continue educating and teaching the community on how to make behavior training, education, and veterinary visits fun and safe for everyone involved.
April’s goals are to effectively teach, encourage, and help clients provide their animals with love, compassion, and relief. She hopes to create a home where humans and animals live happily and harmoniously.